Watch a TV New Reporter Hit By Car While Live on Scene - She’s OK

While on location at a dangerous intersection, Tori Yorgey was about to report on the wet roads, and the dangers to drivers from a water main break, when she was hit by a car...on camera.

It seems the woman in the vehicle was experiencing what Tori was on site reporting about, and slid into the reporter even before she could begin to talk about conditions with the news anchor. Luckily, it was at slow-speed, and she didn’t hit Tori very hard, but the reporter and her camera both went down.

Everyone is ok.

Watch how Tori recovers, and how nice everyone is to each other in the clip, as the driver is mortified.

This isn’t the first time Tori had been hit by a car, as you can her say she’d been hit like that while in college.

Watch the incident below.