Nita Strauss, Elegant Weapons premiere new videos

In addition to shredding with Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, Alice Cooper and Judas Priest guitarists Nita Strauss and Richie Faulkner have their own projects, both of which have new videos out now.

Strauss has released the clip for her solo song "The Golden Trail," featuring Anders Fridén of In Flames, while Faulkner has dropped the visual for "Horns for a Halo," the title track off the debut album from his new band, Elegant Weapons.

Both videos feature intense performance footage, though "Horns for a Halo" features some extra demon and angel imagery befitting of its title.

"The Golden Trail" appears on Strauss' upcoming solo album, The Call of the The Void, due out July 7. Meanwhile, Elegant Weapons' Horns for a Halo album is out now.