Rage Against The Machine and Breaking Benjamin - Five O’ Clock Double Shots - August 13, 2024

ROUND 1 - Rage Against The Machine

In November of 2008, a grocery story in Lancashire, England accidently played the UNCENSORED version of Killing In The Name over the store speakers, prompting shocked shoppers to complain. The store issued a heartfelt apology.

Chris’ Pick: Killing In The Name

Caution: Video NSFW

Your voting options:
Down Rodeo
Guerrilla Radio

ROUND 2 - Breaking Benjamin

According to Breaking Benjamin frontman, Ben Burnley, The Diary of Jane is about a “Jane Doe” case on Forensic Files. “This person Jane was just gone because they were unidentified for so long and lived this entire life for nothing”, said Burnley

Chris’ Pick: The Diary Of Jane
Your voting options:
I Will Not Bow
So Cold

The 5 O’ Clock Double Shots kick off at 5:20p. You decide how we close out each double shot with your vote on the KISS Rocks App or on the main page right here at www.kissrocks.com.